Up-scaling your video to HD is a wise option to consider when digitizing your old video tapes. Professionally up-scaled footage results in a nicer image when viewed on a large TV or ...
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While all cherished footage that we have ever transferred is an honor to us, here at FilmFix, this is the most treasured footage we have ever digitized. It's short but very sweet, and ...
We respect your privacy. You retain copyright of your treasured family memories! Not all companies can say that. Please check their "fine-print" to make certain they will not sell or ...
Rusty reels have a detrimental effect on the film. It accelerates the decay of the films as it reacts with the film's silver. Film archival houses won't even let rusty reels be stored ...
After inspecting your films, we begin by asking ourselves, "What will benefit this film the most?" In our 13 years of experience, we have noted that all films benefit from cleaning -- ...
Without padding, things can get quite disheveled and the box can more easily tear, during transit. Please remember to pad it a bit and tape the box -- both on the bottom and top. When ...
The fourth reel from the left is quite an odd sight to see. That's because it's a leader of 16mm film - cut in half. This is something that was sometimes done with double perforated ...
Here is a little puzzle: Try to figure out which of these two reels has Regular 8mm and which has Super-8 film wound onto its reel. One can determine what kind of film is wound onto ...
When film gets old it can start to curl, because it is shrinking. The shrinkage amount will depend upon what type of base the film was made of and in what conditions the film was ...
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